Monday, June 11, 2012

Under His Wings

My wife & I recently celebrated 20 years of missionary service and quite honestly, I originally gave us only 6 months.  We were business people, having no previous ministry experience, who were plunged into missions by our Sovereign God.  I questioned if He knew what He was doing and why us?  But I've come to learn to not question His wisdom but still wonder why He chose us.

As I ponder and reflect on the years, I always come back to three guiding principles that have always sustained me through the good, bad and ugly times of ministry.  These principles are:

  1. God is a good God.  He is incapable of doing evil or wishing bad on anybody.  Whatever happens in my life, it will be for my ultimate good. 
  2. God loves me, this I know for the Bible tells me so.  I am the apple of His eye.  I have captured His heart and He is madly in love with me so much so that while I was His enemy, He chose to die in my place for my sins - Now that is love!
  3. Because He is a good God and loves me so, I can fully trust Him.  I trust Him to have my very best in mind at all times.  If I can trust Him for my eternity, I can trust Him with my children, finances, retirement, health, everything.

Think about these: Do you fully believe these three principles?  If you do, then you should understand what it is to live in peace and know true contentment.  If however you are wavering on one or more of these, ask God to show you His truth so you too can find that secret place under His Wings.

Randy Fontaine
US Director

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