Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Big Picture

Like most of us, I am on a journey that is continually filled with life lessons and opportunities to grow. As I have grown spiritually the last few years, there has been one verse that I keep coming back to for stability and comfort. Colossians 3:2 “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” While there is probably no one who can say they do this enough, I feel like this is a particular area of struggle for me. Things of the world such as anxiety, frustration, and discontentment have held me captive for many years. Through a series of events (because I’m too stubborn to get it the first time) I have realized that I need to start the process of letting go of these earthly things. It’s times like these when I hope God does some miraculous work and in one life altering eventful moment, changes me completely. However, although that is possible, I am usually not that fortunate. And so the work begins. It begins with taking a step back from our chaotic lives and understanding the bigger picture of where we are spending eternity. Right away, you take care of most of your worries and frustrations if you can start to grasp the concept of how short our stay is here on earth. I am pretty certain after many years in eternity I will not look back and be glad I worried about one of the mundane things in my life. It’s funny and embarrassing to even think about. I am beginning to understand that God is in control and I have to stop wasting time not accepting that. After I get this concept down I can start doing work here on earth that does matter and that will effect eternity.

I am excited to grow in this area, realizing that no matter what trial I face, I have to cut the ties with this world and continue focusing on Him. You may even hear me humming a verse of that old southern gospel song, “this world is not my home, I’m only passing through” but one that says it even better is the hymn that sings, “turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will go strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.

Shawn Kliewer

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