Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sabrina's Urban Plunge Experience

The Bellevue Master's Commission recently took a group of students on the Omaha Urban Plunge. Below is Sabrina's Urban Plunge experience:

I entered my weekend on the Plunge desperately clinging to my faith. A few days before, I had been deferred from a ministry I felt I was called to and then placed in  unknown territory. Disappointed and defeated, I was convinced that I had missed God's call. My spirit instantly became fearful and as a result, my faith was shaken.

After the first night of serving and fellowship, my heart was softened for what God would continue to do in my time at Urban Plunge. On Saturday morning I woke up in a congested haze and I became aware of the conflict between my flesh and spirit. After countless tissues, sneezes and coughs, I began wrestling with God again. "Why did you bring me to this place if my body won't allow me to serve how I desire to?" After I spoke these words, we headed out to the food pantry. During my time there I observed a strange pattern. Whenever I was with a family and doing God's work, my sinuses subsided to allow me to work unhindered. However, as soon as I would get back in line to wait for my next group, sneezing and coughing resumed. My logical side wrote this off as me being distracted by the handiwork and I continued on with my day, spirits lifted by the smiles and thankfulness I was able to see.

Later that night we headed to one of my favorite ministries, Soby Ranch. My sinus infection grew much stronger as I worked around hay, animals, and pollen. Once again I was adapting a pessimistic mindset, however instead of getting mad at the situation and missing out on our activities, I asked one of my friends to pray with me. I'd heard she had been able to heal other people of ailments and went to her, heart opened to whatever God might do through her. As she closed the prayer, I felt my sinuses clearing up in a very obvious manner and got through the night without a single sneeze after her prayer.

Urban plunge isn't about the ministries we visit or the people we get to serve, though all of that is a crucial and valuable component, but it is about the fellowship and softened hearts created by a perfect environment. Our facilitators create comfort and express genuine concern, but our real growth happens in random moments through the day that God uses to speak to us. Our works and willingness to serve allows us to be closer to our savior and as a result, we are able to hear, see, and love Him more than ever before.

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