Thursday, September 6, 2012

From Pam Tullman, CFCI short-term missionary to Peru 
(CFCI short-term missionaries are individuals who choose to serve at one of our city bases for a period of one month to one year. Interested? Contact Penny at
My 2 weeks in Tablada (Villa Maria) are finished, and my week in Iquitos is finished as well. I think I Could write a whole book on my experiences from the past 3 weeks but instead of writing a book, I will just highlight a few areas that stand out to me.
28 teen-age girls
I had the opportunity to share in a cell group of teen age girls. 28 girls came. I shared about fears and trusting God through all the ups and downs of life. In a group of 28, there were 74 fears that hold us back from trusting God. We had a time of prayer to give God these fears that weaken us. It was a great start to the week.
Manos (hands)
On Saturday I worked with about 40 kids, ages 9-12. I showed a short video, and shared on the topic of dreams, and trusting God with our lives. I did a symbolic activity with the kids. Jaime, a new friend from the church, made a big tree. I had each kid put their hand (with paint) on the tree like leaves as a way to give God their lives. They all made the decision to hand over their dreams and futures to the Lord, trusting that no matter what they go through in life, God’s plan is best. Sometimes life will be hard and we won’t understand why things are happening the way they are, but we have to truly know and believe with all of our heart that the Lord is in control, and is worthy to be trusted. It was beautiful to see 40 kids placing their lives and futures in God’s hands.
Open the eyes of my heart Lord
Each morning from 9:30-11:00 I taught an English class. I had about 7 consecutive students…I taught them the song open the eyes of my heart and they had the opportunity to sing it in front of the church. I felt like a proud mother! It was so awesome to see them practice, and work hard to learn. Some of the students had never used English before. Two of the students in the English class gave their lives to Christ that week.
There are so many more stories, so many ways God worked, and so many ways I was stretched beyond my own ability. I felt like the Lord used me in many different ways. I overcame some fears I had. And overall, I was blessed beyond words by the Lord and my new friends in Tablada.
On to Iquitos…
I was so awesome to visit the place that had made such an impact on my heart in the past. I arrived in Iquitos and got to spend time with my dear friend Sandi, and was able to spend her birthday with her and some old friends!
The purpose of my trip to Iquitos was to serve in a week of evangelism with a team from Texas. The team was awesome! Each day we split into groups and worked with different churches. The mornings were usually spent evangelizing out in the communities and inviting the people to the programs/services. Most afternoons were spent doing children’s programs, and the evening in a church service. By the end of 1 week, there were about 740 souls won for Christ! God worked powerfully this week!
Nelly is 23 years old. She is thin as a rail. About one year ago she had some sort of fungus in her throat which made her very ill. She lays in a hammock in a little hut, with constant smoke from the fire in the kitchen filling the home, extreme heat, in much discomfort and can barely eat. She cannot speak, and continually groans and whimpers in pain. Her family can not afford to provide her with the healthcare she needs. I met Nelly while visiting a home. We began to talk to the family about Jesus, and the mom asked if we could pray for her daughter. I have never seen anyone as thin as Nelly. Myself and 2 other people from the team prayed for Nelly. I sat by her side and held her hand, encouraging her to stay strong and to trust God in this difficult time. Upon leaving her house, it took everything in me to fight back the tears. Her and her family is suffering incredibly, and cannot afford to take care of her. Imagine what that feels like for her mother, to watch her daughter suffer and not be able to do anything about it. I think of Jesus on the cross. Imagine what it felt like for God to watch Jesus be crucified on the cross; the pain in watching someone so dear suffer. There are so many times in life that I feel so powerless, so helpless. My heart breaks, and there is very little I can do. I don’t understand this aspect of life… but I trust God and know that sometimes we can’t understand his ways at the moment, but he is faithful and can be trusted. Nelly is on my heart. Please join me in praying for her and her family.
The past 3 weeks have deeply impacted my heart. The Lord continues to blow my mind! There are no limits we can put on God.
Pray for the 740 souls won for Christ. Pray that they would plug into a church and that their faith would grow. That each person would have a personal encounter with God and take their decision serious; that they would grow and learn as they walk on this new path. 

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